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The Chaz Interviews - July, 2003
by Chaz and the artists

It was the summer of 2003 and's active message board community was heating up as well -- with flame wars. Along came Chaz Fanaro, looking to cut through the negative noise. He began to interview many of the musical artists who pitched a tent on the popular indie music forum. Others pitched in with questions of their own. July of 2003 could have turned ugly, but thanks to the interviews blanketing the forum, it became a home for insight and mutual respect. The forums were wiped clean by Vivendi in December, 2003. The interviews live on.


Music Style
Undeground pop

Similar Artists
Portishead, Beck, Syd Barrett

Dehemardik Datis split CD with Pastacas

tallinn, estonia - Estonia

Chaz the Spaz
Are there a lot of muscians in Estonia?

Speaking of mp3: I know personally two bands here from Estonia.
Indie-rock group "Dallas" (published by label "High Park" from Canada)and electronic artist "Vonsuck" (now he uses name "Galaktlan")
I`m sure there is more bands from Estonia there which i dont know.
In Estonia is few good labels and few good bands..
Well known classical composer Arvo Part is estonian.
Estonian folklore is interesting - there is strong folk scene..
I think, people there dont know very well, where Estonia is..
Estonia use to be part of Soviet Union, its neighbour of Finland and Rossia. Approximately one and half million people is living there, including me..

I really love your song "Wendy'. I've played it loads, keep meaning to download it and burn it to CD. I will get around to it - It does remind me of Early Pink Floyd ( Sid Barrett stuff also). Is the song 'Wendy' about someone you know ? Do you realise just how good it is ?

Thankz man
"Wendy" its not about the real person-its about the mood: i remember , when one girl i know said that she use to be vegetarian, but not anymore..
The song was "written" with acoustic guitar, with non standard tuning (Nick Drake used tuning like that in some songs)
I thought first that maybe i should add bass guitar there-but it was published very fast ... on 12 `vinyl too.

'Wendy' rates as one of the most cool songs I have ever heard. Jen and I both like it loads. My Sister and her family are all vegi folk. Makes me think of them and a girl called Jane who was once a close freind. She drifted away....the song sort of reminds me of thats all thats left of her...she was a vegetarian.
One cool, cool song. I really love it.


  -- Rick Munarriz

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