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The Chaz Interviews - July, 2003
by Chaz and the artists

It was the summer of 2003 and's active message board community was heating up as well -- with flame wars. Along came Chaz Fanaro, looking to cut through the negative noise. He began to interview many of the musical artists who pitched a tent on the popular indie music forum. Others pitched in with questions of their own. July of 2003 could have turned ugly, but thanks to the interviews blanketing the forum, it became a home for insight and mutual respect. The forums were wiped clean by Vivendi in December, 2003. The interviews live on.


Artist description
Welcome to the land of droll.... housing a region of droll imagination that surrounds a sublet of droll musings encasing droll commentary.

Music Style
alternative experimental post rock pop

Musical Influences
All things

Similar Artists
Frank Zappa, Pink Floyd, Bill Nelson, David Bowie

Artist History
d.r. wilke a former songwriter/guitarist with 80's Phoenix band Blue Shoes.

Group Members
d.r. wilke, dennis cohen, blackdevil

many different instruments and sound sources

Improvisation, Preroll............ droll

Tempe, AZ - USA

Chaz the Spaz
Wouldn't naming a band droll be a handicap?

It most certainly is. I didn't ask for it. That's just what comes from being droll.
My entire life has been filled with droll observations and experiences.
And as life goes on, my intentions are continually sincere. It's my delivery, my presense and my humor among other things that clearly brand me droll. I would be a liar if I didn't name the band droll.
I will try to clarify this as we go.

one blue nine
I don't hear a lot of "Frank Zappa, Pink Floyd, Bill Nelson" or even much "David Bowie" in the classy brit pop of Breathing You.
Is this a case of cultural drift or...? Care to elaborate?
Oh my gawd. That "Pretty Ballerina"!!!
I'm almost speechless.
Pretty wild arrangement, too. If you can't have a doubled up string quartet I'd say you elected for a pretty good substitute. Pretty wild, considering.

I have a fondness to mix cultures and haven't a real preference to them aside from what I relate to at the moment. You won't hear alot of those artists in much of drolls other stuff also. I think it is the approach that is more similar. The Beatles and Jimi Hendrix are a couple of others that I would put, but often the sound would be much different.
In the case of Breathing You, the drum track was recorded after a 3 min discussion and 20 seconds of guitar strumming to Gina, the drummer I use often. In this case the track was fairly manipulated.
The Lead vocal was totally improvised. I gave Kara the lyrics and said sing whatever you feel for 6 passes
and I had Chuck Price play the track cold with just one pass on the harmonica.
Not too daring.. but there's room enough for that in other stuff.
Breathing You is a working mix so there will be much more yet to come from it.
Aw come on... You're making me blush

Chaz the Spaz
I can understand, It's been said I have a droll sense of humor.

One would think so hosting a name as Chaz the Spaz
BTW, nice idea with the interviews. You use some of those long postal hours to think up some good stuff in addition to making some interesting music.

Chaz the Spaz
Thank you! Yes that's true.
How did you first become interested in music?

My first memory of liking music was as a toddler at the drive-in hearing "Zipedee Doo Da". My parents found me mimicing Elvis at an early age but the real source of inspiration came from my sister. Being several years older I had an edge on what was hip and I found her fasination with music inspiring.
Regardless, the addictive fix came February 9th, 1964 with The Beatles' debut appearance on the Ed Sullivan Show. When my dad said they were a bunch of phonies I clearly knew from that point on what I would be doing for the rest of my life.

Chaz the Spaz
I remember seeing the Beatles on the Ed Sullivan show too (I was eight). I thought the music was ok, no big deal, I couldn't understand what all the screaming was about.

You must have been hangin out with my dad.

Chaz the Spaz
Yeah, I was really into Jan & Dean at the time, "The Little Old Lady From Pasedena". Now, THAT was cool!!!!

Chaz the Spaz
What are your goals and what do you have planned for your music?

No one knows for sure what is in store but it will most assuredly be droll.
Currently we are in the midst of developing A Truly Cheesy Site
At some point we will be legally set up to receive droll input from anywhere about anything in any form (audio, video, graphics, stories, documents... etc.), crediting whatever offering is selected in various ways. As you can see, hear & taste, some of drolls current offerings utilize many things.
Musically, we will see what happens when it happens. There are many songs going on in various stages waiting for their opportunity to be finished or at least released from anonymity regardless of their state.
We can't rush things... we would just be getting in the way. True droll manefests at its own rate and pace.
Plus... there are a couple of side projects that have erupted due to being on
A collaboration with New Zealand artist Refrag appropriately named Reoll Drag
and an offering on the Project Drone CD which has 9 tracks of remixes by 9 different artists using the same "drone loops". There is another remix in the works. When finished it will be a candidate for the upcoming Project Glitch CD.

Chaz the Spaz
Practice makes perfect, do you practice?

Practically never. It probably shows but there is only so much time in the day.
In my teen adolescent years I would practice a minimum of 4 hrs a day. Then came along writing/arranging/booking/marketing/performing and a healthy dose of non musical distractions that I allowed to swallow me whole.
I have sadly gone as much as several weeks without picking up a guitar. It usually takes a week of doodling around an hour a day to feel back to normal.
That is if you can call anything I do normal.

Hey Droll! Now I understand why you commented as you did on my "interview thread", you sound like a photocopy of me (practicewise)


  -- Rick Munarriz

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