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The Chaz Interviews - July, 2003
by Chaz and the artists

It was the summer of 2003 and's active message board community was heating up as well -- with flame wars. Along came Chaz Fanaro, looking to cut through the negative noise. He began to interview many of the musical artists who pitched a tent on the popular indie music forum. Others pitched in with questions of their own. July of 2003 could have turned ugly, but thanks to the interviews blanketing the forum, it became a home for insight and mutual respect. The forums were wiped clean by Vivendi in December, 2003. The interviews live on.

Jeff's Solo Band

Music Style

Musical Influences
Jonn Lennon/Beatles, Bob Mould, Wilco, Oasis

Artist History
Jeff's Solo Band was conceived in 1997.

Group Members
Jeffrey Wornhoff

Self-titled (star album) (E.P.), Once Again (E.P.), Songs I've Written (E.P.)

Press Reviews
Genius? or YIKES!?!? So bad it's good? kinda sorta! Full marks for applying the K.I.S.S. rule in an effort to "get lucky" with Lo-Fi. IMNSHO, actually "producing" this tune would detract from it. Puts a new spin on the meaning "bare bones". Kudos Jeff...hope ya got some. - DD Ess

Chicago, IL - USA

Chaz the Spaz
What equipment do you use?

guitars: fender telecaster, ibanez rg55,
amplifier: fender "frontman reverb" practice amp
keyboard: korg trinity
mic: shure sm58
i use my tascam porta03 as a mixing board and record onto my computer using multiquence for tracking & cool edit for effects & mastering.

Chaz the Spaz
How did you first become interested in music?
What are your goals and what do you have planned for your music?

at age 8 i decided i wanted to play the guitar. my parents bought me a junker for my 9th birthday & i thought it was the coolest thing in the world. i wanted to be in duran duran. there was always music on around the house, especially pop. i just kind of embraced it & knew i wanted to do it and be a part of it.
my goals are to be a star & save rock n' roll. other than that, i have no plans.

Chaz the Spaz
As opposed to Jeff's one-man band, naming yourself Jeff's Solo Band is clever, how did you pick that name?

it started as kind of a joke. it was 1997, i was just out of college, and i was playing in a band that had no interest in playing any of my songs. i decided to start recording some of my songs on my 4-track, not using any other musicians than myself. i had to have a name for my "act," so that's where Jeff's Solo Band came from. i would give the tapes to friends & pass them out at shows we would play & the name stuck. so here i am, 6 years later, still writing & recording as Jeff's Solo Band - except now my friends get CD's


  -- Rick Munarriz

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