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The Chaz Interviews - July, 2003
by Chaz and the artists

It was the summer of 2003 and's active message board community was heating up as well -- with flame wars. Along came Chaz Fanaro, looking to cut through the negative noise. He began to interview many of the musical artists who pitched a tent on the popular indie music forum. Others pitched in with questions of their own. July of 2003 could have turned ugly, but thanks to the interviews blanketing the forum, it became a home for insight and mutual respect. The forums were wiped clean by Vivendi in December, 2003. The interviews live on.

The Notorius Jones

Artist description
Our sound is equal parts old and new schools. By melding blues, rock, and punk, we strive to sound raw and immediate, but at the same time, multidimensional. We want to bring the spirit that gave birth to rock and roll into the modern age and give it a new edge.

Music Style
Rock and Roll

Musical Influences
The Doors, Stone Temple Pilots, Led Zeppelin, Dead Kennedys, Pearl Jam, AC/DC, Nirvana, Red Hot Chili Peppers

Similar Artists

Artist History
The Jones was formed in 2001 by former members of Up From Thieves and Izzy Deadyet. We play in various clubs around the Carolinas, including the Hard Rock Cafe in Myrtle Beach. We are played regularly on our local rock station, 99.5 WXNR, and are currently on the rock charts on

Group Members
Billy Stallings - Vocals Tony Byrd - Guitar, vocals Darren Brinkley - Bass, vocals Jeff Kennedy - Drums, percussion

Shure mics, Gibson, Tacoma, and Guild guitars, Fender guitars and basses, Marshall, Crate, and Ampeg amps, Ludwig drums

Deep Run, NC - USA

Chaz the Spaz
The Notorious Jones sound is a good example of a fusion of different styles of music. Is there any room for keyboards?

The Notorius One
Thanks for putting us up like this, Chaz, we appreciate it. As a matter of fact, we've been looking a keyboardist for quite some time. We think that would be a great addition for the band. Hard to find good rock-n-roll keyboardists in this part of the country. Anybody interested?

Chaz the Spaz
As a newcomer to the indie world of internet music, what are your expectations?

The Notorius One
Mainly, to be heard by as many people as possible. We're from a small town, the local music scene is mostly country, southern rock, and metal, therefore we don't get heard much in eastern NC (although we get some airplay on the local radio shows). We'd like to get some gigs in other states and possibly start touring. Hopefully, the right people will hear us, like what they hear, and help us get going.

one blue nine
You're looking for a keyboardist for your punkish rock band Notorious Jones. Only two guys audition.
One is a Berklee graduate with every every known synth: Tritons, J90s, an old Prophet 5, modeling synths, wavetable synths, virtual analog synths... you can't even see the guy behind his rig rack. But he's got this modular rig that breaks down into a little hand truck and he can go from parking lot to opening notes in 10 minutes.
The other plays mostly chords but plays them well, can't read music, and only has two keyboards: a Fender Rhodes and a Hammond B3. But the B3 weights as much as a fully loaded Hollywood Hog Harley and the Rhodes is only a little lighter. And he's got a bad back and no car so you know you're gonna have to do all the hauling and a lot of physical labor.
Which one do you take?

The Luddite
well..... if you are a luddite you clearly choose the latter... but nobody asked me hahaha..

The Notorius One
Which ever one has the best attitude and flows well with the chemistry of the band. The great thing about The Jones is we've managed to keep egos outside of it. We are a band in the true spirit of the word. Everyone contributes, and no one's ideas are shut out until they're at least tried. That's hard to find these days.
Another thing: punk is not a sound, it's not a look, it's an attitude. Thanks to the media (as they do with everything), we're programmed to believe you've got to look and sound a certain way to be punk, and that takes away from the spirit of the original intent. Most of the ones who pass themselves off as punk don't have a clue as to what it means. Do what you want and f#ck 'em if they don't get it.

Chaz the Spaz
What has your experience been with other OMD's?

The Notorius One
We do well on Soundclick (top 10 in the rock-n-roll genre for the past 2 months) and they treat us well. Great service. Made it all the way to #24 overall on without any promo whatsoever. Got great reviews on Garageband (about to release another tune there). We're on a couple more, but are still rather new to the OM scene so we're still looking for new sites to go on. I'd also like to say that the people I've met so far on MP3 have been great to us. The site itself has a lot of problems (which is to be expected), but the timing of these problems has left us a little more than suspect. At times they seem self-induced. I like it here, but the continuing problems make it hard to be content. Life has enough hassles, you know......

How did you get the name ' The Notorius Jones'. I think its quite a cool name.

The Notorius One
I've got a cousin whose last name is Jones who is always either getting into or starting trouble. Billy (singer) and I were talking about a misadventure we had had with him one day at band practice and someone made the comment 'the notorious Jones'........
And now you know the rest of the story.

The Notorius One
Let's hear it for Chaz for trying to get us back to what this place should be about: music.

here here

Chaz the Spaz
What are your goals and what do you have planned for your music?

The Notorius One
Finishing our first record, looking for a new drummer(Jeff, our current drummer, has decided to pack it in) getting out with more gigs, and maybe get on a tour. In recent weeks, our songwriting is taking on a new evolution, bringing closer to an original sound. We're finding new ways to blend blues, rock, and punk, sticking to the roots without being derivative. Maybe this new evolution will take us to the next level......

Chaz the Spaz
Practice makes perfect, do you practice?

The Notorius One
Oh yeah, the band rehearses twice a week and I practice everyday.

Chaz the Spaz
Is the band gigging?

that is cool! hey, I have you on 2 of my stations
From Beginning to End
& Ocean Emotions

The Notorius One
We're trying to get some gigs after taking a break to refocus our sound. Got to find a new drummer, also. Been in contact with some area clubs and bands, gearing up to gig. A local radio station, 99.5 WXNR, is putting us back on the air and having us for an on-air interview, also.

The Notorius One
Thanks to 7mama and everyone else who has put us on their mp3 stations. You guys are awesome for helping us promote ourselves and we appreciate it.
We're glad you like the music.

The Notorius One
Just got through auditioning a new drummer, Matt. The guy was awesome, though a little young. Good energy, that's important. And no ego. We think he just might be the guy.....

The Notorius Jones, Revolution 9.0 is really a great rock'n'roll music, need to be bookmarked.

The Notorius One
We really appreciate that, Mauro. Thank you.

congrats on the drummer find, that is probably the most difficult piece to add to a group..opinion only

The Notorius One
7mama, you ain't lyin', especially in eastern NC. My breed is a dime a dozen. We heard from another guy that I used to play with, and he wants to audition, too.

Hey guys I just listened to some of your songs and I'd like to add my two cents. You guys are a really good rock and roll band. I like the energy on "Revolution 9.0", but "The Search" really hit the best chord to my ears. I hope you find your needed members and get back to live, and good luck with the recordings, songs, music and vocals are good.

The Notorius One
Evan, thanks for the comments. We started this band with the intention of getting back to the basics and taking the music to a new place. I'm glad that people are noticing and digging it. It makes us feel like we're accomplishing what we set out to do. Can't wait to get the new songs recorded and out. We get closer to our goal with each new effort.
Do you have a site here?

Hi TByrd!! Really dig your tunes! You can find Evan at: Evan Paul Kozaris

Hey Tom you must have missed my question the other night when you showed me how ro url with my name, I asked you where do you type that line? here in the reply, or where? Thanks Tom...and my apologies to Notorius Jones for using their thread for this silly but important question.. Evan,

The Notorius One
Appreciate it, Tom. And Evan, don't sweat it . A boink's a boink....
"The Search" is #2 on Soundclick's rock-n-roll chart.
Evan, as soon as I get a chance, I'm putting some of your music on the station I have here. Great stuff!

Thank you very much, I really appreciate that. "The Search " #2? Great! Very rarely do my ears lie. Evan Paul Kozaris

the wavewarrior
id just like to say that the search is my new faavorite
song being a surfer in can really relate to it and the sound of the ocean rollin at tha end thats just fukin cool keep jammin

The Notorius One
Wavey, 'preeshinatin' the comments. I think a lot of new people are getting turned on to that song. Glad you liked...
"The Search" is #1 on Soundclick's rock-n-roll charts.


  -- Rick Munarriz

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