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The Chaz Interviews - July, 2003
by Chaz and the artists

It was the summer of 2003 and's active message board community was heating up as well -- with flame wars. Along came Chaz Fanaro, looking to cut through the negative noise. He began to interview many of the musical artists who pitched a tent on the popular indie music forum. Others pitched in with questions of their own. July of 2003 could have turned ugly, but thanks to the interviews blanketing the forum, it became a home for insight and mutual respect. The forums were wiped clean by Vivendi in December, 2003. The interviews live on.


Artist description
I am a guitarist/singer/songwriter from DisneyHollywoodland, California. I am available for gigs, sessions, songwriting collaboration, co-conspiracy, lunch, etc. Let's ROCK !!!

Music Style
rock, pop, alternative, punk, electronic, experimental, blues, jazz, psychedelic, etc.

Musical Influences
I have always been under the influence of music! I love the three B's... Bach, Beethoven, and the Beatles !!! I always try to keep an open ear !!!

Similar Artists
Beatles, Jimi Hendrix, Grateful Dead, Bob Dylan, Led Zeppelin, The Who, Rolling Stones, Cream, Jefferson Airplane, The Doors, Pink Floyd, Yes, Country Joe and the Fish,Blue Oyster Cult, Bob Dylan,etc.

Artist History
I have been playing guitar and singing in bands since the early seventies. My former bands include Captain F*ck and the Electric Bologna Sandwich, August Roads, Green Dot, Tulpa, Doctor Nuke's End of the World Party, Willy and the Poorboys, The Buzzyrds, We, Inhabitants of the Western Wasteland, The Bob Dole Band, Constructive Destruction, and Stewed Tomatoes. Next ??? My long-time guitar bro Russ Foreman and I are forming a new band. We do not know what we are going to call ourselves yet. As soon as we know we will tell you!

My strats are cool and my Telecasters totally RULE! My arsenal also includes a couple of Les Pauls, a funky old SG, a Gibson Blueshawk (my current fave!), a Carvin DC727 7-string, a Taylor 414CE electric/acoustic, and a Gibson J200. I currently play through a Johnson Millenium JM150 or Fender Concert amp, or anything else that works!

Additional Info
Be sure to bookmark my site and come back soon! 100 Days of Summer With Larree begins in June! Don't miss the fun! And thanks for listening!

Los Angeles, CA - USA

Chaz the Spaz
What are your movie goals and will they interfere with your music?

What are your movie goals and will they interfere with your music?
My film making goals include my continuing education at UCLA and the establishment of my connections for the future. There is no conflict between film making and music because music is so important to film. I find myself composing themes for my characters as I write my screenplays. The only way I see one artform "interfering" with the other would be through conflicts in scheduling.

Chaz the Spaz
What's so special about a Pink's hot dog, you keep asking Dino about?

Pink's makes the best chili dogs on Earth! Dino blew it bigtime when he stiffed me!
There is only one Pink's! They have maintained their high reputation while avoiding the kiss of death for all good food joints...franchising! And they are good enough to be nationwide!
I want one NOW!
Where's my chili dog?

Chaz the Spaz
Isn't 6:00 am too early for a chili dog?

I've eaten Pink's chili dogs for breakfast! Fatburgers, too!

Chaz great that you are doing this for so many people, I have been reading the threads with interest, I have not got time to post in all of them. Just on a flying visit to the BB. But it was refreshing to see the 'interviews'. Chilli dogs....are if only I could get one. 6 am here or abouts....guess I'll have to have toast again.

Right on! Toast rulez!

All of us who have visited your page to hear your grooved out music are very familiar with the picture of you on stage with your crazy hat on and the lady standing with you. My impression of that picture is that you were on a soundstage for a television show.(I have a vivid imagination) Anyway....that's been the impression on my mind when I've seen it. So where is that and what were you doing there?

Hi Les!
Actually, I was able to slip my camera into a dream once even though the sign specifically said "NO Cameras."
Yes! That shot was taken at a 1996 video shoot. My old high school bro Scott Krantz, aka CaptainSKX, aka Caneman, recorded a crazy version of Nobody for President with me, along with a few other tunes of mine. We produced that video together.

Chaz the Spaz
Larree, you had such a large selection of music on your page, why have you limited it to two songs?

An experiment, really. I am trying to see if regular traffic to my site increases if I change songs every few days. The other day I only had one song up. And I'll be changing songs again later this week. Perhaps Thursday. Any requests?

Chaz the Spaz
Yes, a few months ago you released a new tune, I don't recall the name of it, but I mentioned it sounded unique. I think you said it was something you had a hard time with, but just kinda' kicked around an idea and knocked out this tune.

Ahh! One of the newer ones! Cool!

Chaz the Spaz
How did you first become interested in music?

Music has always been a huge part of my life. We always listened to music in our home. Show music, the classics, jazz, early rock & roll...everything. I was singing before I talked! My first words were "do re mi!"

Chaz the Spaz
Do you think of yourself as a tempermental artist?

Don't mess with me!
But seriously, I am actually very easy to work with. I am into loose, improvisational musical situations. And I'm not one of these guys who flips if the "sound" isn't right. I just like to plug in and play. But I will flip on you if you are too drunk or stoned. When playing music, I believe drugs are for...listeners!

...and why do you just have one song on your site, and what does "Fair Trade" mean in this song?

Fair Trade is about the perfect relationship. And I'm going to add more songs to my page very soon!

Chaz the Spaz
What guitar effects do you use?

I'm funny about effects. When I record with my parter Russ, he'll add all kinds of processing devices in the mix. And that is cool with me. But live, I just like to plug directly into an amp with no effects.

Chaz the Spaz
What are your goals and what do you have planned for your music?

Hey Larree......I got your phone message....
a big HELLO back at you bro.....
Nice to read your interview here on
Nobody for President dude!!!!!!
Larree represents the irony we all need in our diets!

What are your goals and what do you have planned for your music?
My main goal right now is to continue my film making education, and to eventually write, produce, and direct major motion pictures.
My plans for my music include placing songs in films and on TV, and playing my ass off in the new band I'm forming!

Hi Christine!
I just won a free trip to Vegas! We're gonna party SOON!

I'm nervous.... look out world Vegas.....Larree is going to wear us out!
I'm going to a party for the New York Film Festival ......
about 20 independent films are being shown here in Vegas at the Palms and they are having parties all over.....
are you still doing film Larree?

Chaz the Spaz
Practice makes perfect, do you practice?

I confess... I never practice. I haven't played a scale in over 25 years. If I'm not rehearsing and playing in a band or writing a song, I never even look at my guitars. Doesn't that make you sick?

When are you going to tell us about your movie deal Larree?
Well, it's not a big budget major motion picture studio flick with a huge $30,000,000 star or anything like that, but my music is going to get some great exposure at film festivals in the coming months!

Hi Christine! We're gonna PARTEE!!!
And yes, I am still in film school. I'm only in one class this Summer. I'm learning all about 16mm and 35mm cameras!

Chaz the Spaz
In the days of promo auctions and back the band, you were very involved with those activities, do you think that was money well spent?

In the days of promo auctions and back the band, you were very involved with those activities, do you think that was money well spent?
I wish I would have spent that money on drugs, gambling, and prostitutes!

Chaz the Spaz get enough drugs, gambling and prostitutes.


Chaz the Spaz
Aren't you glad I haven't been asking everybody Jerry Springer questions? I just checked out Fight Club for the first time today, that place is outrageous!
What happened to your website?

Is this a trick question?

Chaz the Spaz
Maybe I'm mistaken, but I could have sworn there was a link on your page that took you to another site that had pictures????

Yeah! I used to link to! It still works. I just don't link to it right now. It's kind of under construction!

Chaz the Spaz
Whew! I thought I was losing it, having dreams of web surfing and of all places --

Victor Paul
You have lots of humorous material. Where did that come from? Did you ever think of doing a comedy act?


  -- Rick Munarriz

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