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The Chaz Interviews - July, 2003
by Chaz and the artists

It was the summer of 2003 and's active message board community was heating up as well -- with flame wars. Along came Chaz Fanaro, looking to cut through the negative noise. He began to interview many of the musical artists who pitched a tent on the popular indie music forum. Others pitched in with questions of their own. July of 2003 could have turned ugly, but thanks to the interviews blanketing the forum, it became a home for insight and mutual respect. The forums were wiped clean by Vivendi in December, 2003. The interviews live on.

Terry Shea

Artist description
I am 44 years old and single. Presently accepting applications for groupies!

Music Style
Acoustic-mainly progressive and folk rock.

Musical Influences
Yes, Kansas, Genesis, ELP, Saga, Dream Theater,Deep Purple,Jethro Tull, Rush

Similar Artists
Sting, Dan Fogelberg, Neil Young, Cat Stevens, Don Hendley, Jethro Tull, Simple Minds, Kansas, Billy Idol, Rush

Artist History
I began writing songs about 5 years ago. I never thought I could write music, but after the first song everything just kind of fell together.

Group Members
Terry Shea-guitars, noisemakers and vocals.

Takamine 6-string and Alvarez 12-string guitar


Press Reviews
These are what some of my fans have to say:........ .................................................. T h e A m e r i c a n T r a d i t i o n Folk * Rock * Country * Americana ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Hi Terry! I have listened to your songs and they are great. Finally someone who has something to say! I liked "Supreme Court of Satan" the best, so I will be featuring that song on my web radio station. I will probably activate your song somewhere next week, so stay tuned. See ya, ................................................. Terry, Just wanted to drop you a note and let you know that I've listened to all the tunes on your website, and I think you are doing a terrific job. Great 12-string work. Looking forward to hearing more of your stuff. Keep up the good work, and God bless. Peace, Wendell Peek .................................................. Hi You are there...Cool guitar! crazy song lol! peace AnoNI~9........................................... .................................................. Hello! I`ve listened to your music over and over and have to say I`m impressed! It`s great! With your good taste of music I think you would like my "Tranceformer" at do you? Could you make a song special for me? Sincerely Kjetil for Efree.................................. .................................................. Keep making music, Alexia...Oh can you also put me on your e-mail list and keep me updated on your music? Take care...Alexia......... .................................................. dislife Aug 29, 2001 at 16:57:16 "Cupid For A Day" "Cupid For A Day" Since the story of the song pretty much explains the lyrics I wont try to interpret them . Overall a pretty good lyric. Love is, I think, the most common topic of a lyric and that is just what makes it so hard to write about love without sounding pathetic. I think you 've done a very good job with the lyrics and after writing such a song for a girl I think it wouldn't be more than fair that you get her . Keep it up! Chris ............................................................................................................................................ Just felt like seeing what a conscious person would sound like. I was very pleased to hear such unique guitar sounds & different music. Thanks for the works of art.--Tingle ............................................................................................................................................................................................ Hi Terry, You madman! I'm here with my wild 4-year-old son and we're giggling like mad things over your killer ducks. Thanks for making our day................... ......................................................................................... Nice new song (TERRORS LAST STAND), sounds like a very hard song to sing!! Very strong words, love the 12 string sound and it does have some cool changes, almost a old english/irish sounding song. Robert Ewing......................................... ................................................................ I'm listening, very cool tune (TERRORS LAST STAND). I love the acoustic... Lot's of words. Great concept. Rock on my friend...I dug it Terry. Almost 10 minutes, reminds me of me...Ted Lehman................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................ Hi terry, I love your Killer Duck song...I am and smiling and laughing this morning - thanks to you quack on. I love the quack soloist alto rocking at the end... Laurie.................................................. ................................................... I really like what you're doin'. The acoustic arrangements really work! Your lyrics are thoughtful and heartful. I like your voice. Can hear the influences - Jethro Tull (also an influence of mine) etc., Yet your style is your own. That's cool...I really like your innovative effects on the acoustic, your voice. Also the guitar playing. Thanks for the enjoyable listen. L. A. Cowboy...................... ....................................................... PFTW Nov 02, 2001 at 13:36:25 Listening to TERRORS LAST STAND Holy sh*t 9 mins! Oh well, I may as well sit back and listen. Nice sounding intro. Holy sh*t it's the Who! Very theatrical sounding. I'm a little disappointed there aren't more instruments. It sounds like this could grow into a very cool epic. And I'm only half-way through the song. Lot's of changes in dynamics and tempos. I'm listening to a little play. Right now the good guys are saying "Our spirit can not be broken..." Oh, I think we're reaching the conflict of the song, things are getting very plucky, starting to sound a little metallicaish (well as metallica as you can sound with an acoustic guitar). Cool phasing. "Put the pedal to the metal..." Almost 8 mins. in. They're still fighting. Lots of sweeping pans. The fighting ends and so does the song. Wow, thanks for that trip Terry. Al

Additional Info
I will personally autograph copies of my cds for a small fee. lol. Just kidding I'll do it for free or until i get writers cramp.

Grand Rapids, MI - USA

The Lord Dog Almighty
What's the zip code for Farleigh, North Dakota?

Chaz the Spaz
Terry, when bowling, do you ever imagine those bowling pins as beer bottles?

Terry Shea
Sometimes I may consume too much liquid from those beer bottles and it's hard to tell the bottles and the pins apart. Sometimes the pins appear to be duck pins too. Actually, I rarely drink when I bowl. After several games with a 16 lb. weight in one hand, it's hard enough to keep upright when sober.

one blue nine
Terry, if you were to write and direct your own music video -- what would the scenario be? And -- if you had a huge budget, let's say $1 million, for the video but you, personally, could keep whatever was left over -- how much would you spend on it?

Terry Shea
Okay, here's the scenario. I'd get a bunch of babes lined up just like a Robert Palmer video and then I'd take the money and run...with as many of them as I can handle!

What are the last two cds by major label artists you have bought and what was the last concert you attended?

Terry Shea
A remastered version of Dream Theater's first album (I believe it's called When Dream and Day Unite) and the Rhino remastered version of Fragile by Yes (The Rhino remasters are far superior to the Atlantic originals and remasters. They contain bonus tracks too. They included an early version of Roundabout dubbed "Early Rough Mix" that actually contains mistakes such as instruments and voices coming in early.)
The last major act concert I saw was Yes at The Fox Theater in Detroit last summer. I may go see Sheryl Crow Thursday night.

one blue nine
I'd get a bunch of babes lined up just like a Robert Palmer video and then I'd take the money and run...with as many of them as I can handle!
Numbers, Terry. American wants numbers. How much money, how many women?
You know how I am about the facts!

The Lord Dog Almighty
You skipped my question.
Just what kind of postman do you think you are?

Chaz the Spaz
OK, where I work, some of the people on teams go just to drink, and bowling just happens to be something to pass the time with. The thought of crashing beer bottles with a bowling ball has some allure though.

Terry Shea
Do you remember the old Captain Fantastic pinball game? I used to work at a bowling alley and we'd play it after closing (and we'd proceed to raid the bar of course). We'd play until we were out of quarters and then one night one of the jackasses I worked with discovered (after several beers and shots of Tequila) he could kick credits out of the machine. That worked well for awhile, but then it stopped giving credits for kicks. Another jackass decided to try to hit it with a bowling ball. That worked! The guy who owned the machines couldn't figure out why that game took on so much wear and tear and was always in need of repair.

Terry Shea
1 million dollars and 100 women sounds about right!

Terry Shea
Just what kind of postman do you think you are?
I'll tell you what I tell everyone else that asks that (or a similar) question: Look it up!

The Lord Dog Almighty
Ok, so you don't know. No big deal. Just say so.
It's not like you have to know everything.

Terry Shea
What's the zip code for Farleigh, North Dakota?
You're not trying to pull a fast one on me are you LDA? Here's the search results:
Search Results for Farleigh North Dakota
ZIPList5 Lite (July 2003) has no data for Farleigh, ND. But it lists these cities with similar names:
Harleigh, PA Farlington, KS Freistatt, MO Burleigh, NJ
Burleigh, TX Fairport, MO Fairport, NY Falkirk, ND
Falmouth, IN Falmouth, KY Falmouth, MA Falmouth, ME
Falmouth, MI Falmouth, PA Falmouth, VA Farler, KY
Florala, AL Freeport, FL Freeport, IA Freeport, IL
Freeport, IN Freeport, KS Freeport, ME Freeport, MI
Freeport, MN Freeport, NY Freeport, OH Freeport, PA
Freeport, TX Marlboro, MA Marlboro, MD Marlboro, NJ
Marlboro, NY Marlboro, VT Narberth, PA Oakleigh, PA
Raleigh, IL Raleigh, MS Raleigh, NC Raleigh, ND
Raleigh, WV Walworth, NY Walworth, WI

Chaz the Spaz
What's the music scene in Grand Rapids like, and do you play any clubs?

Terry Shea
I don't play clubs. I've never really played live. I really just taught myself to play guitar a few years ago. The music scene here is quite varied. You can go hear almost anything you want (and a lot of stuff you may not want to hear). We have the Van Andel Arena, DeVos Hall (just about everything in town is named after 1 of these 2 Amway co-founders)Club Eastbrook and a lot of smaller halls and clubs to party down at. Grand Valley State University and Western Michigan University are both just a short drive away (less than an hour) and sometimes draw some major acts. We have our own Symphony Orchestra and Calvin College hosts a lot of operas (Mike Burn will be happy to know that my brother in law, Carl Kaiser, is a retired opera star from Germany, but he still performs at Calvin quite a bit). On Wednesday nights during the summer we have Blues On The Mall downtown. I don't get down to it very much anymore. It draws a large biker crowd which isn't really my thing, plus I used to live only a block away and now I'd have to travel several miles and hunt for a place to park. One band that's made it big locally is The Verve Pipe. Al Green was originally from Grand Rapids too.

Chaz the Spaz
What are your goals and what do you have planned for your music?

Terry Shea
Well I'm kind of stuck right now. I feel like I've written a lot of good songs, but I don't have the talent, the equipment or the know how production wise to make these songs all that they could be. I've done a couple of collaborations and I've been quite pleased with the results, but I'm finding that it's a difficult task to get musicians to collaborate on my own tunes. Usually if a musician is looking to collaborate, it's because he's in more or less the same position I'm in; he has some type of deficiency in his own song or songs and is looking for some help. I'd be more than happy to help out such a person, but as I stated earlier, due to equipment and talent constraints, I'm quite limited in this area.
One such tune I did work on is a song called Come Here by Jens Nielsen. Jens is a Danish musician and he wrote this beautiful song. He was looking for someone to sing it and he was looking to add some guitar parts also. I was real hesitant to even attempt to play guitar on this song, but in retrospect that was the easy part. It sounded like it was going to be an easy song to sing, but it turned out to be by far the most difficult song I've ever sung. I'm not really sure why either. It's well within my range, but there's something about the word phrasings and sounds combined with the key it's in that made it difficult. Of course the main problem is that I was trying to croon on it and that's not really my style. At least he didn't ask me to sing the Danish version! That would have really been a trip! I'm working real hard at promoting this song and it should be getting some radio play this fall. Stay tuned!
I also worked with John Ranger on my song Shades of Gray (it's not on my page but you can hear it at my ampcast site. I'm amazed at what he did to this song. The trouble is after what he played it makes the parts I played sound like crap. I couldn't believe how quickly he got it done either. I e-mailed him and asked him if he could add some harpsichord to it, expecting that he might get back to me in a few days and might get it finished in a few weeks. Ha. I think he got it finished and back to me within 2 hours.
All the songs on my ampcast page are available for collaborations (with the exception of the 2 previously mentioned) and I have several other songs that need help. If anyone would like to work with me you can either reply to me on this thread or contact me through my page.


  -- Rick Munarriz

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