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The Chaz Interviews - July, 2003
by Chaz and the artists

It was the summer of 2003 and's active message board community was heating up as well -- with flame wars. Along came Chaz Fanaro, looking to cut through the negative noise. He began to interview many of the musical artists who pitched a tent on the popular indie music forum. Others pitched in with questions of their own. July of 2003 could have turned ugly, but thanks to the interviews blanketing the forum, it became a home for insight and mutual respect. The forums were wiped clean by Vivendi in December, 2003. The interviews live on.

Lyin Dan

Artist description
Well, Jolly Old Lyin Dan has a few Christmas goodies for ya!Some truer to life stories of the angst and wonder of Christmas.What's Santa really concentrating on the one day of the year that he can step out and get away from Mrs. Claus?

Music Style

Musical Influences
The financial potential of comedy on MP3c

Similar Artists
Tom Green,Killer Spam's Comedy Stuff,BENTFRAME,Dan Klass,Three Dead Trolls in a Baggie,Arbuckle Indians,Marquis Oz,Little Jimmy's Revival

Group Members
Lyin Dan with occasional input from the Pig Nose Pickers.


Retard City, AR - USA

Chaz the Spaz
A wise guy?

The Lord Dog Almighty
Well, isn't this serendipious?

jaw knee
Dan, "Girl You Better Boil It" by "the pig nose pickers" is a great song. It has an anthem like feel, and is funny too boot. (Not only do I enjoy it but my family does to) we occasionally find ourselves singing the chorus and we have a good laugh.
So my question is, what part did you have in creating this song?

Chaz the Spaz
OK, I've always wondered why the nickname The Lord God/Dog Almighty, and what is it with this aversion to pork?

The Lord Dog Almighty
jaw knee
That's kool to hear, guy! It only goes so far, but it's great while the newness lasts, isn't it? I know I laughed my ass off writing it.
I wrote it. I sang it (In my guise as Doug Pignosepicker. Can't believe that's the same voice on Ocean of Love, eh?). I did guitar parts, and played the Vienna Sausage Boy's Choir in the last verse.

The Lord Dog Almighty
Why the nick, huh?
Well, somebody was going to use The Lord God Almighty. Better me than them. I mean, a few of the peeps here are unsavory, and just not suitable for that nick.
It is sorta funny. When I first used it, there were those who posted wondering 'what if', ya know? Of course, when I first used it, I tried to conform to expectations, too. I done good. For a while.
But it offends some peeps. No idea why. Thus, The Lord Dog Almighty was bitched. I mean, breached. Birthed.
Oh, and I like pigs, not averse at all. You'd have to, to be a pig nose picker. Think about it. We have friends who bought a 'pot belly pig' pet about 5 years ago. The thing now weighs nearly 300 pounds. He lets their rooster ride on his back and ward off bad stuff. He doesn't like men, but who does? Well, this IS Arkansas.

The Luddite
why do you do the things you do?

The Lord Dog Almighty
Wasn't that a song? Didn't Tom Whathizname have something to do with it?
I remember, it was catchy.
Anyway, "I don't know". Actually, I never even wander. Ok, I wander, but I don't wonder. Well, not about that, anywho.
Say, wanna date?

Chaz the Spaz
Did you ever do a Christmas show?
What are your goals and what do you have planned for your music?
What did you do with St Wic's secretary, and is there really a Retard City in Arkansas?


  -- Rick Munarriz

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