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The Chaz Interviews - July, 2003
by Chaz and the artists

It was the summer of 2003 and's active message board community was heating up as well -- with flame wars. Along came Chaz Fanaro, looking to cut through the negative noise. He began to interview many of the musical artists who pitched a tent on the popular indie music forum. Others pitched in with questions of their own. July of 2003 could have turned ugly, but thanks to the interviews blanketing the forum, it became a home for insight and mutual respect. The forums were wiped clean by Vivendi in December, 2003. The interviews live on.

Vitaly Skovorodnikov

Artist description
Words are meaningless, music is international.

Music Style
electronic pop, electronic rock

Musical Influences
Pink Floyd, Smokey, Elton John, Ten CC

Similar Artists
no one like him

Artist History
The musical disease started in 1979 when Vitaly learned three chords on a beaten guitar. In 1980 he decided that he can also compose songs, not worse than the others. A year after the first band project started. They were at least four - none of them at the professional scene, and only popular in their own town district. Times were flying, and the disease soothed down in 1992, when Vitaly managed to release his first audio tape made in studio. Before that time it was all about pop and rock. The symptoms renewed with the Internet boom. Vitaly started publishing his own instrumental remixes in 2000 and regained some narrow but cosy audience. In 2001 he released his first CD under a symptomatic name - "The Old Album". The music presented here is mostly from this release.

Group Members
Vitaly Skovorodnikov - music, programming, promotion

Massiva X0.61 MIDI-Sequencer + Studio

(c) 2001 The Old Album (c) 2002 Quasimusic

Moscow, Moscow - Russia

Chaz the Spaz
Are you playing in a band?

I used to, quite a long time ago. I played guitars, and sang. Now I only collaborate from time to time online with the fellow independent artists.

Chaz the Spaz
What are your goals and what do you have planned for your music?

Good point ) - to share my music, to collaborate, to communicate... that in fact means I have no definite goal, I am fond of the process itself.
Just like a 3-y.o. child scribbling on paper - he / she observes the process of scribbles appearing on paper ) not the picture itself.


  -- Rick Munarriz

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